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Título: Open-cell ceramic foams covered with TiO2 for the photocatalytic treatment of agro-industrial wastewaters containing imazalil at semi-pilot scale
Autores/as: Martín-González, M. A.
Fernández Rodríguez, Cristina 
González Díaz, Oscar Manuel 
Susial Badajoz, Pedro 
Doña Rodríguez, José Miguel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2210 Química física
Palabras clave: Imazalil removal
Open-cell ceramic foams
Solar photocatalysis
TiO2 coatings
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Proyectos: "Producción de fotocatalizadores nanoestructurados por procesos de bajo coste y alta productividad para descontaminación de aguas residuales: NANOBAC 
Sistema completo de caracterización de la relación entre composición, estructura y fotoactividad de sólidos sintéticos con aplicaciones fotocatalíticas. 
Publicación seriada: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 
Resumen: Background Imazalil is a fungicide widely used in postharvest agroindustry, which causes a negative impact on the environment. To remove it from agro-industrial wastewaters, solar heterogeneous photocatalysis, with the photocatalyst fixed onto support, constitutes a promising technique. In this work, two open-cell ceramic foams (with and without carbon) were evaluated as TiO2 supports. Technical and economic feasibility of photocatalysis with TiO2 supported on ceramic foams were assessed. Methods Foams were covered with TiO2 by dip-coating and subsequent calcination. The obtained systems were characterized by different techniques. Lab-scale removal of imazalil in pure and real water matrices was studied for both materials. The highest performance system was also evaluated at semi-pilot scale. Significant findings The C-free support led to the highest photoactivity in both water matrices at lab-scale. No TiO2single bondC synergistic effect was observed due to photon absorption phenomena detected for the support with graphite. The C-free foams coated with TiO2 can be used in solar reactors to decontaminate wastewater with imazalil, achieving 95% degradation and a nontoxic condition for Allivibrio fischeri bacteria at accumulated energy values less than 10 kJ·L−1. This technique can be adapted to each real situation through the adequate selection of the number of photocatalytic converters exposed to sunlight. After economic evaluation, the experimental technology could be considered cost-effective.
ISSN: 1876-1070
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtice.2023.104902
Fuente: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers [ISSN 1876-1070], v. 147, 104902, (Junio 2023)
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