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Título: Gross anatomy in familiar medicine and in the clinical courses of medical studies
Autores/as: Mompeó Corredera, Blanca Rosa 
Pérez L.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
241002 Anatomía humana
Palabras clave: Human Gross Anatomy
Medical studies
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Publicación seriada: European Journal of Anatomy 
Conferencia: XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Anatómica Española
Resumen: The aim of this work was to highlight the gross anatomy knowledge necessity that familiar physicians and clinical courses students have. At the same time, it was our interest to know their suggestions about the discipline Humana Gross Anatomy in Medical studies. To obtain our objectives, physicians of Health Centers of Las Palmas and last year's medical students of ULPGC were asked to fill out a questionnaire. In the questionnaire, the referred items were considered. Human Gross Anatomy was considered fundamental in physical exploration and image techniques interpretation by both groups. The locomotion system and nervous system were the anatomical knowledge they considered to have more necessary in the clinical courses and everyday practical work. They, too, considered that common general anatomy taught during the first years and applied anatomy during clinical courses of the curriculum could be necessary. In relation to gross anatomy teaching, they would change the Human Gross Anatomy they were taught in the way that: (I) they would increase the number of practical lessons (ii) Gross Anatomy with greater clinical projection. The learning objectives which the physicians considered must be obtained when the student finishes the Human Gross Anatomy course were: (I) anatomic structures and relations between them must be known, (ii) the student must be able to identify anatomic structure by image techniques, (iii) the student must be able to describe anatomical bases of the pathology.
ISSN: 1136-4890
Fuente: European Journal of Anatomy [1136-4890], vol. 6 (Suppl. 1), P50 (Julio 2002)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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