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Título: High Defect Nanoscale ZnO Films with Polar Facets for Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance
Autores/as: Promdet, Premrudee
Quesada Cabrera, Raúl 
Sathasivam, Sanjayan
Li, Jianwei
Jiamprasertboon, Arreerat
Guo, Jian
Taylor, Alaric
Carmalt, Claire J.
Parkin, Ivan P.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2306 Química orgánica
221001 Catálisis
Palabras clave: Organic acids
Organic compounds
Thin film
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Acs Applied Nano Materials 
Resumen: The fabrication of highly efficient photocatalytic thin films has important consequences for self-cleaning, organic pollutant decomposition, and antimicrobial coatings for a variety of applications. Here, we developed a simple synthesis method to produce efficient, high-surface-area zinc oxide (ZnO) photocatalytic films using aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition. This approach used mixtures of methanol and acetic acid to promote preferential growth and exposure of polar facets, which favor photocatalytic activity. Interestingly, the initial enhanced efficiency of the films was correlated to structural defects, likely oxygen vacancies, as supported by photoluminescence spectroscopy results. Discussion over the influence of such defects on photocatalytic performance is described, and the need for strategies to develop high-surface-area materials containing stable defects is highlighted.
ISSN: 2574-0970
DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.9b00326
Fuente: Acs Applied Nano Materials [ISSN 2574-0970], v. 2(5), p. 2881-2889
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