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Title: An adaptive refinement/derefinement algorithm of structured grids for solving time-dependent problems
Authors: Plaza De La Hoz, Ángel 
Montenegro Armas, Rafael 
Ferragut, L
UNESCO Clasification: 120601 Construcción de algoritmos
Issue Date: 1992
Publisher: Elsevier 
Conference: First European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering
Abstract: The adaptive refinement/derefinement processes of strucrured grids are very useful to solve time-dependent problems in which moving refinemem areas are required. In this paper some definitions and properties are presented in order to explain our derefinement algorithm. The efficiency of this algorithm is showed in some numerical examples: a quasi-evolutive test problem and an evolutive convection-diffusion problem with dominant convection. In this last case, we present the principal numerical aspects about the implicit formulation that has been used.
Source: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, p. 225-232, (7-11, September 1992)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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