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Title: Seroprevalence of Strongyloides stercolaris in Patients about to Receive Immunosuppressive Treatment in Gran Canaria (Spain)
Authors: Carranza Rodríguez, Cristina 
López Delgado, Laura
Granados Magan, Álvaro
Pérez Arellano, José Luis 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
320505 Enfermedades infecciosas
Keywords: Biological Therapies
Kidney Transplantation
Strongyloides Stercoralis
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 
Abstract: Strongyloides stercoralis infection is generally asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, but in the immunosuppressed host, it is associated with more severe and complicated forms with a worse prognosis. S. stercoralis seroprevalence was studied in 256 patients before receiving immunosuppressive treatment (before kidney transplantation or starting biological treatments). As a control group, serum bank data of 642 individuals representative of the population of the Canary Islands were retrospectively analyzed. To avoid false positives due to cross-reactivity with other similar helminth antigens present in the study area, IgG antibodies to Toxocara spp. and Echinococcus spp. were evaluated in cases positive for Strongyloides. The data show this is a prevalent infection: 1.1% of the Canarian population, 2.38% of Canarian individuals awaiting organ transplants and 4.8% of individuals about to start biological agents. On the other hand, strongyloidiasis can remain asymptomatic (as observed in our study population). There are no indirect data, such as country of origin or eosinophilia, to help raise suspicion of the disease. In summary, our study suggests that screening for S. stercoralis infection should be performed in patients who receive immunosuppressive treatment for solid organ transplantation or biological agents, in line with previous publications.
ISSN: 2414-6366
DOI: 10.3390/tropicalmed8030181
Source: Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease[EISSN 2414-6366],v. 8 (3), (Marzo 2023)
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