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Título: Extrafoveal capture of attention by emotional scenes: Affective valence versus visual saliency
Autores/as: Fernández Martín, Andrés 
Calvo, Manuel G.
Clasificación UNESCO: 610604 Análisis experimental de la conducta
Palabras clave: Attention
Eye movements
Visual saliency
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Publicación seriada: Visual Cognition 
Resumen: Pairs of emotional (pleasant or unpleasant) and neutral scenes were presented peripherally (≥5° away from fixation) during a central letter-discrimination task. Selective attentional capture was assessed by means of eye movement orienting, i.e., probability of first fixating a scene and the time until first fixation. Static and dynamic visual saliency values of the scenes were computationally modelled. Results revealed selective orienting to both pleasant and unpleasant relative to neutral scenes. Importantly, such effects remained in the absence of visual saliency differences, even though saliency influenced eye movements. This suggests that selective attention to emotional scenes is genuinely driven by the processing of affective significance in extrafoveal vision.
ISSN: 1350-6285
DOI: 10.1080/13506285.2016.1139026
Fuente: Visual Cognition [ISSN 1350-6285], v. 23 (9-10), p. 1061-1071, (2015)
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