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Título: Low temperature/high pressure polymorphism in dl-cysteine
Autores/as: Minkov, Vasily S.
Tumanov, Nikolay A.
Quesada Cabrera, Raúl 
Boldyreva, Elena V.
Clasificación UNESCO: 221306 Bajas temperaturas
221303 Altas presiones
221193 Transiciones de fase en cristales líquidos
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Publicación seriada: CrystEngComm 
Resumen: We compare the response of the crystalline dl-cysteine to cooling and to increasing pressure. The structure undergoes a low-temperature phase transition into an isosymmetric polymorph, dl-cysteine-II, with the conformation of zwitterion changing from gauche- to gauche+. The first pressure-induced transition at 0.1 GPa (the lowest pressure reported for a phase transition in a crystalline amino acid thus far) gives the same polymorph. Further compression of dl-cysteine-II proceeds differently on cooling and with increasing hydrostatic pressure. dl-cysteine-II is preserved down to 3 K, but undergoes phase transitions on compression at about 1.55 GPa, and 6.20 GPa. The changes in the hydrogen bond network preceding the phase transition in dl-cysteine-II in the range 0.25-0.85 GPa differ from those observed on cooling the same structure, but resemble those preceding pressure-induced phase transitions in β- and γ-glycine.
ISSN: 1466-8033
DOI: 10.1039/c003617j
Fuente: CrystEngComm [ISSN 1466-8033], v. 12(9), p. 2551-2560
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