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Título: In situ investigations of the polyoxometalate Trojan Horse compound K7Na[WVI18O56(SO3)2(H2O)2][middle dot]20H2O under high temperature and high pressure conditions
Autores/as: Quesada Cabrera, Raúl 
Long, De-Liang
Cronin, Leroy
McMillan, Paul F.
Clasificación UNESCO: 230117 Espectroscopia Ramn
230316 Mecanismos de las reacciones inorgánicas
220406 Fenómenos de alta presión
221015 Química de las altas temperaturas
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Publicación seriada: CrystEngComm 
Resumen: We have used Raman and IR spectroscopy to study the oxidation reaction of sulfite groups in the unique polyoxometalate compound K7Na[W VI18O56(SO3)2(H 2O)2]·20H2O with a structure related to the Wells-Dawson type in situ at high temperature and high pressure. The results give new insights into the unusual redox process that occurs in this compound with electrons and O2- ions transferred between the polyoxometalate cluster and SO32-/SO42- groups held within the cage in a process that has been termed the "Trojan Horse" effect. © 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
ISSN: 1466-8033
DOI: 10.1039/c003388j
Fuente: CrystEngComm [ISSN 1466-8033], v. 12(9), p. 2568-2572
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