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Title: Accurate Symmetry Calculation with Normalized Dynamic Time Warping Gait Symmetry Ratio
Other Titles: Cálculo de la eficiencia de la simetría mediante la relación de simetría de la marcha, aplicando deformación dinámica normalizada en el tiempo
Cálculo da eficiência da simetria usando a relação de simetria da marcha, aplicando deformação dinâmica normalizada ao longo do tempo
Authors: Steinmetzer, Tobias 
Bönninger, Ingrid
Travieso-González, Carlos M. 
UNESCO Clasification: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Keywords: Dynamic Time Warping (Dtw)
Gait Asymmetry
Time Series
Wearable Device
Issue Date: 2022
Journal: Uniciencia 
Abstract: In this paper we propose a new method for symmetry calculation in wearable devices. The problem in this domain is that only discrete features such as stride length, stride duration, or duration of gait phases are used for the symmetry calculation. However, this can lead to failures, since the use of features can result in partial loss of information from the time series. From this we present a possibility to calculate the symmetry by using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). DTW uses the complete time series for the analysis and is therefore independent of certain features.
ISSN: 2215-3470
DOI: 10.15359/ru.36-1.47
Source: Uniciencia [EISSN 2215-3470], v. 36 (1), (Enero 2022)
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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