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Título: Effect of Myofascial Induction Therapy in Pterygoid Muscles of Woodwinds and String Musicians on Muscular Stiffness of the Upper Trapezius
Autores/as: Suárez Rodríguez, Vidina Goretti 
Loro Ferrer, Juan Francisco 
Rodríguez Ruiz, David Gustavo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320402 Enfermedades profesionales
2411 Fisiología humana
Palabras clave: Neck pain
Muscular stiffness
Trapezius muscles
Pterygoid muscle
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Medical Problems of Performing Artists 
Resumen: PURPOSE: Considering the fascial continuity and its biomechanical characteristics, the purpose of this study was to assess the change in muscular stiffness (Dm) of the upper trapezius muscles after the application of myofascial induction therapy (MIT) to the masticatory muscles of musicians. METHODS: This was a pre-posttest design involving one treatment. SUBJECTS: The total sample was 33 subjects (n = 33). The experimental group comprised 18 violin, viola, and woodwind players, and the control group was comprised of 15 non-musicians. The outcome measures included pre-posttest measurements with tensiomyography of the upper trapezius (muscle stiffness, Dm), and baseline neck disability (Neck Disability Index), and pain (SF-36 questionnaire). The experimental group received MIT for 5 minutes on each side of the lateral pterygoid muscle. The control group assumed a supine position for 10 minutes. RESULTS: After the intervention, there was a significant difference in Time per Group (F = 2.896, p = 0.034, 2p = 0.367, and w = 0.755). There were statistically significant differences in pre-post and side-by-side analyses for the Dm of the upper trapezius in the experimental group as well as between the two groups. CONCLUSION: MIT of the lateral pterygoids is effective in decreasing upper trapezius stiffness as measured by an increase in the Dm measured by tensiomyography. The greatest change occurred in musicians with a lower percentage of Neck Disability Index at baseline.
ISSN: 0885-1158
DOI: 10.21091/mppa.2022.3021
Fuente: Medical Problems of Perfoming Artist [0885-1158], v. 37(3), pp. 143-150, (Septiembre 2022)
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actualizado el 16-sep-2023

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