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Title: Using artificial substrates to quantify Gambierdiscus and other toxic benthic dinoflagellates for monitoring purposes
Authors: Tester, Patricia A.
Litaker, R. Wayne
Soler Onis,Emilio 
Fernández Zabala, Juan 
Berdalet, Elisa
UNESCO Clasification: 251001 Oceanografía biológica
241707 Algología (ficología)
Keywords: Benthic Harmful Algal Bloom (Bhab)
Cell-Based Early Warning System
Epibenthic Dinoflagellates
Ostreopsis, et al
Issue Date: 2022
Journal: Harmful Algae 
Abstract: Collecting methods generally used to determine cell abundances of toxic benthic dinoflagellates (BHAB) use cells dislodged from either macrophytes or artificial substrates. This article compares the advantages of the macrophyte and artificial substrate methods and discusses which method is more appropriate for use in monitoring programs that focus on toxic BHAB species identification and quantification. The concept of benthic dinoflagellate “preference” for specific macrophytes was also reviewed. Examination of data from 75 field studies showed macrophytes with higher surface area per unit biomass harbored higher concentrations of Gambierdiscus cells. There was no definitive evidence that cells were actively selecting one macrophyte over another. This observation supports the use of artificial substrates (AS) as a means of assessing cell abundances in complex habitats because cell counts are normalized to a standardized surface area, not macrophyte biomass. The artificial substrate method represents the most robust approach, currently available, for collecting toxic, benthic dinoflagellates for a cell-based early warning system.
ISSN: 1568-9883
DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2022.102351
Source: Harmful Algae [ISSN 1568-9883], v. 120, (Diciembre 2022)
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