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Título: Mechanical performance under dynamic loading of rubberized asphalt mixtures with highly-porous vesicular aggregate
Autores/as: Franesqui García, Miguel Ángel 
Yepes Temiño, Jorge 
Gallego, Juan
Clasificación UNESCO: 330529 Construcción de carreteras
331209 Resistencia de materiales
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Proyectos: Volcanic BC-Warm−Sustainable development and production of warm-mix asphalt using recycled crumb rubber from end-of-life tyres and volcanic aggregates from the Canary Islands (BIA2013-47987-C3-3-R)
MW-VolcAsphalt−Sustainable self-healable perpetual asphalt pavements with volcanic aggregates using microwaves and additions of metallic wastes and nanoparticles (BIA2017-86253-C2-2-R)
Publicación seriada: Scientific Reports 
Resumen: In volcanic regions, the use of certain abundant aggregates of scoriaceous nature with high porosity to manufacture bituminous paving mixtures is a major problem due to the excessive heterogeneity, absorption and limited strength of these aggregates. Consequently, the properties of the mixtures often do not meet technical specifications. The aim of this research is to study the improvement of the mechanical performance of asphalt mixtures with these residual volcanic aggregates by using binders modified with rubber from end-of-life tyres, since environmental and economic requirements make it necessary to reuse both types of waste. Laboratory studies determining the compactability, dynamic stiffness, fatigue resistance and elastic constants have made it possible to characterise the mechanical performance of these mixtures during production and in service, and to compare them with conventional mixtures. It was found that the use of tyre rubber modified bitumen makes compaction somewhat more difficult, but reduces the particle size degradation of the porous aggregates and improves the mixture performance and durability, showing higher stiffness moduli and increased resistance to fatigue.
ISSN: 2045-2322
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-24197-3
Fuente: Scientific Reports[EISSN 2045-2322],v. 12 (1), (Diciembre 2022)
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