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Título: The identification of knowledge and educational requirements for secondary school teachers in the field of health education
Autores/as: Pérez Jorge, David
De La Rosa Hormiga, Milagros 
Álvarez Pérez, Pedro
Díaz González, Candelaria Merced 
Marrero Morales, María Sandra 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3201 Ciencias clínicas
610303 Asesoramiento y orientación educacional
Palabras clave: Health Care Education
Secondary Schools
School Teachers
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Publicación seriada: Psychology 
Resumen: The present society requires the individuals to have the ability to adapt to changes, as an instrument to achieve the full integration of all of its members. Problems related to health care, both individual and collective, are considered as an essential aspect in the set of social values. Thus, the value attributed to health and wellbeing is a relevant aspect in that set of social values. It can be stated that health education should be a guiding principle in the integral education of the person. In this sense, educational institutions should act as providing basic resources which allow individuals their full development, without forgetting health care and promotion through the development of educational programmes in the field of health. This research shows the design of an instrument for assessing the teachers’ degree of knowledge as regards school health and their attitude and predisposition to learn to solve situations related to health problems in the school context.
ISSN: 2152-7199
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2015.66076
Fuente: Psychology [2152-7199], v. 6(6), pp. 773-781 (Mayo 2015)
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