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Título: Evolution and testing of a metallic ebulliometer for VLE determination
Autores/as: Susial Badajoz, Pedro 
García Montesdeoca, María Isabel 
García Vera, Diego 
Marrero Pérez, Anibal 
Santiago Garcia, Dunia Esther 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2213 Termodinámica
Palabras clave: 1-Propanol
Isobutyl Acetate
Vapor-Liquid Equilibri
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 
Resumen: An ebulliometer designed with automated feeding was tested and verified in this work. The ebulliometer is made of stainless steel. The feeding of the substances is automatically controlled with a computer. In the equipment both the liquid and vapor phases are recirculated. The binary mixtures isobutyl acetate + 1–propanol and isobutyl acetate + 2–propanol were studied and the vapor–liquid equilibrium of these mixtures was determined at 101 kPa. The isobaric T–x–y data are reported, including the azeotropic point of the isobutyl acetate + 1–propanol binary system. The calculations have been carried out considering the non–ideal vapor phase and the activity coefficients of the liquid phase have been obtained. The thermodynamic consistency of the system was verified with the Van Ness point–to–point test. An ebulliometer designed with automated feeding was tested and verified in this work. The ebulliometer is made of stainless steel. The feeding of the substances is automatically controlled with a computer.(PC–SAFT).
ISSN: 1021-9986
DOI: 10.30492/IJCCE.2022.556040.5393
Fuente: Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering [ISSN 1021-9986], v. 42, nº 6, p. 1925-1937, (Junio 2023)
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