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Título: Discovery of Highly Functionalized 5-hydroxy-2H-pyrrol-2-ones That Exhibit Antiestrogenic Effects in Breast and Endometrial Cancer Cells and Potentiate the Antitumoral Effect of Tamoxifen
Autores/as: Guerra Rodríguez, Miguel 
López-Rojas, Priscila
Amesty, Ángel
Aranda Tavío, Haidée Magdalena 
Brito Casillas, Yeray 
Estévez-Braun, Ana
Fernández Pérez, Leandro Fco 
Guerra Hernández, Carlos Borja 
Recio Cruz, Carlota Pilar 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320713 Oncología
Palabras clave: 5-hydroxy-2H-pyrrol-2-ones
Breast cancer
Endometrial cancer, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Proyectos: Desarrollo Preclínico de Nuevas Estructuras Bioactivas Moduladoras de Las Actividades Oncogénicas de Stat3/5 O de Los Receptores de Estrógenos 
Aplicación de Una Plataforma de Bioensayos en El Cribado de Bibliotecas Químicas Inspiradas en la Biodiversidad: Identificacióny Desarrollo de Moléculas Con Interés Biomédico en Oncología. 
Cribado Farmacológico de Librerías Químicasy Desarrollo Preclínico de Nuevas Entidades Moduladoras de Los Oncogenes Stat3/5y Yap1,y Del Receptor de Estrógenos (Serm) 
Publicación seriada: Cancers (Basel) 
Resumen: Tamoxifen improves the overall survival rate in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer patients. However, despite the fact that it exerts antagonistic effects on the ERα, it can act as a partial agonist, resulting in tumor growth in estrogen-sensitive tissues. In this study, highly functionalized 5-hydroxy-2H-pyrrol-2-ones were synthesized and evaluated by using ERα- and phenotype-based screening assays. Compounds 32 and 35 inhibited 17β-estradiol (E2)-stimulated ERα-mediated transcription of the luciferase reporter gene in breast cancer cells without inhibition of the transcriptional activity mediated by androgen or glucocorticoid receptors. Compound 32 regulated E2-stimulated ERα-mediated transcription by partial antagonism, whereas compound 35 caused rapid and non-competitive inhibition. Monitoring of 2D and 3D cell growth confirmed potent antitumoral effects of both compounds on ER-positive breast cancer cells. Furthermore, compounds 32 and 35 caused apoptosis and blocked the cell cycle of ER-positive breast cancer cells in the sub-G1 and G0/G1 phases. Interestingly, compound 35 suppressed the functional activity of ERα in the uterus, as demonstrated by the inhibition of E2-stimulated transcription of estrogen and progesterone receptors and alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activity. Compound 35 showed a relatively low binding affinity with ERα. However, its antiestrogenic effect was associated with an increased polyubiquitination and a reduced protein expression of ERα. Clinically relevant, a possible combinatory therapy with compound 35 may enhance the antitumoral efficacy of 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen in ER-positive breast cancer cells. In silico ADME predictions indicated that these compounds exhibit good drug-likeness, which, together with their potential antitumoral effects and their lack of estrogenic activity, offers a pharmacological opportunity to deepen the study of ER-positive breast cancer treatment.
ISSN: 2072-6694
DOI: 10.3390/cancers14215174
Fuente: Cancers [2072-6694], v. 14(21): 5174 (Octubre 2022)
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