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Título: Acquiring Android app development skills in a virtual learning environment: extending the virtual programming lab for Moodle towards self-assessed app development tasks employing Android and Gradle
Autores/as: Neumann, Frank
Rodríguez-del-Pino, Juan Carlos 
Homer, Sebastian
Clasificación UNESCO: 120310 Enseñanza con ayuda de ordenador
120324 Teoría de la programación
Palabras clave: Virtual programming lab
Automated grading
Automated assessment
Automated evaluation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Editor/a: GITO mbH Verlag
Resumen: The presented project provides a virtual learning environment for university courses teaching app development using Android and Kotlin. It features both self-guided lessons and associated tests as well as practical app development tasks and associated self-assessed programming exercises. The well-known Moodle plug-in Virtual Programming Lab (VPL) serves as a starting point for the latter part. VPL gets extended by means for the usage of the Gradle build tool, the Android SDK tools and AndroidX tests for unit tests at the level of Android activities and fragments. In particular, the rather excessive resource requirements of the Gradle tool created numerous problems in the sandboxes used by VPL. These issues were addressed by configuring suitable VPL settings. In addition, problems associated with the proper usage of these settings had to be addressed in VPL Altogether the proposed virtual learning environment provided a suitable means for learning in the described field as determined by questionnaires send to students.
ISBN: 978-3-95545-409-8
DOI: 10.30844/AKWI_2022_4
Fuente: Angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 / Sandy Eggert, Claudia Lemke, Verena Majuntke, Birte Malzahn, Vera Meister, Katharina Simbeck, Christian Czarnecki, Martin Wolf (Hrsg.), p. 60-72
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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