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Título: Environmental impact assessment framework for offshore wind energy developments based on the marine Good Environmental Status
Autores/as: Abramic Petkovic, Andrej 
Cordero Penín, Víctor 
Haroun Tabraue, Ricardo Jesús 
Clasificación UNESCO: 332203 Generadores de energía
2510 Oceanografía
3308 Ingeniería y tecnología del medio ambiente
Palabras clave: Before-After-Control-Impact
Canary Islands
Eia Framework
Environmental Impact Assessment
Good Environmental Status, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Proyectos: Progreso de la Planificación Sostenible de Areas Marinas en Macaronesia 
Bases para la planificación sostenible de áreas marinas en la Macaronesia 
Publicación seriada: Environmental Impact Assessment Review 
Resumen: The expected increase in the offshore wind farm (OWF) developments to meet global decarbonisation targets is raising concerns in the scientific community about the ecological health of the marine environment. The present contribution has conducted an extensive literature review on the environmental effects and changes that the OWF can pose on the Good Environmental Status (GES) described by the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC). Consequently, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) checklist has been developed to encompass the construction, operative, and decommissioning phases of the OWF and aimed at enabling the evaluation of whether the OWF developments are conducted compatibly with the maintenance of the GES of the marine environment or not. We have then applied to our case study the developed EIA-GES checklist through a multi-criteria analysis, to evaluate and map the potential level of impact expected from the OWF developments over ca. 45.613,5 Km2 of a marine area off an Atlantic archipelago. Particularly, biogeographic aspects, oceanographic conditions, and OWF location sites will ultimately determine the overall impact of the OWF development. In our study area, results suggest that the OWF developments would have a minor or null impact on the GES for ca. 78% of the marine waters assessed. Besides, we have discussed our EIA-GES checklist applicability to decide on appropriate possible impact mitigation measures, following a case-by-case approach and identifying key ecological information that could be collected by the OWF developers during the EIA study. These surveys can support environmental authorities by providing with more insights to assess the GES status while identifying information gaps and areas to improve monitoring and data gathering for the GES maintenance. Finally, we discussed performing EIAs based on the historical datasets, and recommend reinforcement of the time series of data with updated surveys within and around OWF sites to confirm the marine environment's state.
ISSN: 0195-9255
DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2022.106862
Fuente: Environmental Impact Assessment Review [ISSN 0195-9255], v. 97, (Noviembre 2022)
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