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Título: Is the deficit in phonological awareness better explained in terms of task differences or effects of syllable structure?
Autores/as: Jiménez, Juan E.
Hernández-Valle, Isabel
Guzmán, Remedios
Rodrigo, Mercedes
Estévez, Adelina
Díaz Megolla, Alicia
Hernández, Sergio
Clasificación UNESCO: 6102 Psicología del niño y del adolescente
Palabras clave: Syllable structure
Phonological awareness
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Proyectos: 1FD97-1140
Publicación seriada: Applied Psycholinguistics 
Resumen: The primary purpose of the study reported here was to explore the effects of the complexity of syllable structure and the effects of task differences in the explanation of deficit in phonological awareness (PA). A sample of 97 subjects was selected and organized into three different groups: 29 reading-disabled (RD) children, 41 normal readers matched in age with the former, and 27 younger normal readers at the same reading level as those with reading disabilities. We administered PA tasks which included items with different complexity of syllable structure. The results showed that the complexity of syllable structure had no particularly marked effect on the dyslexic children. Rather, the isolation task revealed the phonological deficit across all syllable structures.
ISSN: 0142-7164
DOI: 10.1017/S0142716405050174
Fuente: Applied Psycholinguistics [0142-7164], v, 26(2 ), April 2005, pp. 267-283
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