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Title: Liquid-State Volumetric Properties of a Set of Alcohols with Up to Five Carbon Atoms
Authors: Lorenzo Pérez, Beatriz 
Yánez Alemán,José Aythami 
Ortega Saavedra, Juan 
Sosa Marco, Adriel 
Fernández Suárez, Luis Jesús 
UNESCO Clasification: 2213 Termodinámica
Keywords: Alcohols
Equations of state
Volumetric coefficients
Issue Date: 2022
Journal: Liquids 
Abstract: This work provides density data (~1300 values) of 14 alcohols with up to five carbon atoms at p ∈ [0.1–40] MPa and T ∈ [278–358] K. The information obtained is modeled with a convenient reformulation of the Tait equation from which the volumetric coefficients, α and β, are derived both analytically and numerically. The general EoS containing α and β is also used for checking the consistency of the hypothesis on the invariability of the cited thermophysic parameters. The results obtained can be considered reliable because of the low estimated errors between the experimental data and those of the literature, which are below 0.4% for volume, while for the volumetric coefficients there is always a reference diverging 10%, or less, from the proposed model estimations. By including the averages of α and β into the general state of equation the errors increase, being <15%, compared to those based on the Tait equation. Hence, the assumption on the stability of the volumetric coefficients in this working interval is sufficient to make rough estimations of the molar volume of the selected alcohols.
ISSN: 2673-8015
DOI: 10.3390/liquids2010001
Source: Liquids [ISSN 2673-8015], v. 2 (1), p. 1-13, (2022)
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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