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Título: The Effects of COVID-19 on Family Climate: A Fuzzy Clustering Approach to Examine Spanish Households
Autores/as: Martín Quintana, Juan Carlos 
Martín Hernández, Juan Carlos 
Alemán Ramos, Pedro Francisco 
Clasificación UNESCO: 630903 Familia, parentesco
61 Psicología
6112 Estudio psicológico de temas sociales
Palabras clave: COVID-19 pandemic
Fuzzy logic
Triangular fuzzy numbers
Fuzzy clustering, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Social Sciences 
Resumen: Spain was one of the countries in which more severe lockdown policies were imposed during the second term of 2020 to mitigate the unprecedented health crisis. The measures restricted citizens’ mobility, obliging families to stay confined at homes for 99 days since 15 March 2020. The measures created a number of challenges that affect the family climate. This paper aims to empirically analyse how the family climate in Spain has been affected by COVID-19. The family climate assessment was based on an online questionnaire answered by 2034 citizens. A multi-criteria decision-making method rooted in fuzzy logic and TOPSIS, and a fuzzy clustering method, are applied to analyse the effects of the COVID-19 on the family climate. The fuzzy clustering method reveals that there are three different family climate profiles, namely (1) extreme positive, (2) extreme negative, and (3) intermediate. Our results show that some traits affect having a more or less positive family climate. The authors discuss the main contributions and the policy implications that could provide insights into future measures.
ISSN: 2076-0760
DOI: 10.3390/socsci11060239
Fuente: Social Sciences [ISSN 2076-0760], 11 (6), 239 (2022)
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