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Título: Differences in the levels of sulphites and pesticide residues in soils and wines and under organic and conventional production methods
Autores/as: Alonso González, Pablo
Parga Dans, Eva
Acosta Dacal, Andrea Carolina 
Zumbado Peña, Manuel Luis 
Pérez Luzardo, Octavio Luis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320611 Toxicidad de los alimentos
320605 Agentes patógenos de los alimentos
Palabras clave: Alcoholic Beverages
Food Toxicology
Organic Agriculture
Sulphites, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 
Resumen: The surface and output of organic agriculture is growing steadily in recent years, being generally seen as a healthier, safer and more sustainable alternative to conventional agriculture. Comparisons between organic and conventional products are nonetheless scarce in the literature, especially in the case of wine. The aim of this study was to compare sulphite content and pesticide residues in both soils and wines under organic and conventional production. Fourteen samples of organic and conventional wines and vineyard soils were collected in pairs for each of the seven wine-producing islands of the Canary Islands. A QuEChERS-based method was employed to detect 218 pesticides and 49 POPs. Sulphites were measured by potentiometric titration with a double electrode. On average, higher levels of sulphites were found in conventional wines. Similarly, conventional wines presented higher numbers and concentrations of pesticide residues both in soils and wines than their organic counterparts. The overall pesticide concentrations in our sample was 4.2 µg/kg. Conventional wines presented a considerably higher average concentration than organic wines (8.2 against 0.25 µg/kg). In turn, concentrations in conventional soils averaged 8.7 against 2.8 µg/kg in organic soils, a 68.19 % lower residue concentration. The analytes most commonly found were PCB 28, p,p′-DDE, tebuconazole and the metabolite 4,4′-dichlorobenzophenone in soils and mefenoxam, tebuconazole, fluopyram and boscalid in wines. No single wine exceeded the 10 % of the MRLs established by the European Union for wine grapes. However, the presence of low levels of pesticides in organic wines should be monitored.
ISSN: 0889-1575
DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2022.104714
Fuente: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis [ISSN 0889-1575], v. 112, 14714, (Septiembre 2022)
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