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Título: A proposal of a homeostatic-adaptive control for a robotic system
Autores/as: Hernández Sosa, José Daniel 
Lorenzo Navarro, José Javier 
Domínguez Brito, Antonio Carlos 
Isern González, José 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120702 Sistemas de control
120317 Informática
Palabras clave: Robotic systems
Homeostatic-Adaptive Control
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Conferencia: VII Workshop de Agentes Físicos, WAF
Resumen: In this work, we present a hybrid control structure for a mobile robotic system which combines concepts from homeostatic control and adaptive behavior. The homeostatic control consists of a set of control lo ops operating on state variables. These variables are computed from pre-categorical sensory data and also from high-level application results. The adaptive behavior is implemented by a fuzzy controller whose rules dynamically modify several system parameters, using the same structure to control both low-level homeostatic lo ops and high-level application tasks. The objective of this proposal is twofold: guarantee an acceptable image quality keeping the perceptual data into a homeostatic regime, and use the adaptive behavior to obtain a better resource management and dynamic response. To validate this proposal we have carried out some experiments using a mobile robot which performs a line following task under variable lighting conditions.
Colección:Actas de congresos
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