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Title: Effects of Biscriptuality on Graphomotor Coordination Dynamics
Authors: Alhaddad, Gaëlle
Danna, Jérémy
Younes-Harb, Céleste
Velay, Jean-Luc
Longcamp, Marieke
UNESCO Clasification: 5701 Lingüística aplicada
570110 Patología y corrección del lenguaje
2490 Neurociencias
Keywords: Biscriptuality
Graphomotor Coordination
Spontaneous Frequency
Issue Date: 2022
Conference: 20th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS 2021) 
Abstract: Biscriptuality is the ability to write in two different writing systems. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of biscriptuality on graphomotor coordination dynamics in right-handed adults. Thirty-four French monoscriptuals and 34 French-Arabic biscriptual participants traced series of loops in two writing directions, and in two senses of rotation. We found that biscriptuals displayed a general advantage over monoscriptuals in terms of spontaneous tracing frequency, while both groups displayed a preference for the left-to-right direction. This finding provides novel evidence on the effect of script writing expertise on graphomotor patterns by showing that biscriptuality could be an asset.
Source: The 20th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS2021). Conference proceedings for short papers not published in the LNCS – Springer
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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