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Título: Hex-generation system from seawater and air. Seed for decarbonization on the island of Gran Canaria
Autores/as: Pulido Alonso, Antonio 
Winter Althaus, Gabriel 
Trujillo, L
Rosales, E
Clasificación UNESCO: 3322 Tecnología energética
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Conferencia: EHEC 2022 Congres
Resumen: The Canary Islands currently have total dependence on oil as a source of energy. Being, in 2018, 98% of the primary energy used, and the remaining 2% was renewable energy [1]. Europe and therefore Spain has a decarbonization plan for 2050. But 2040 has been proposed for non-peninsular territories. The truth is that time is running out, and no action has been taken. It should be mentioned that the islands are fuel stations for ships in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The energy that is served to ships is half of that consumed on the islands [1].
Colección:Actas de congresos
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Wednesday, 18th May. Parallel Session 2 (15:30-17:30) Room A. Hydrogen Production: Renewable
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