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Título: Facilitating Global Competence in Translator-Interpreter Education: An Action-Based Approach for the English Language Classroom
Autores/as: Cranfield Mckay, Susan Isobel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5801 Teoría y métodos educativos
570113 Lingüística aplicada a la traducción e interpretación
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Editor/a: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Resumen: This chapter will attempt to fuse several diverse theories of learning in the 21st century, showing how they can work in combination to enhance the learning experience of our students and how, in esence, they are all interconnected despite deriving from different origins. At their centre, they all have the common idea of connectedness and the thesis that this is essential in creating a better world where resources are used in a more sustainable, respectful and egalitarian way.
ISBN: 978-1-5275-4081-1
Fuente: Towards Authentic Experiential Learning in Translator Education (2nd Edition) / Don Kiraly and Gary Massey (eds.), p. 190-209
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