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Título: A variational approach to 3D cylindrical geometry reconstruction from multiple views
Autores/as: Álvarez León, Luis Miguel 
Cuenca Hernández, Carmelo 
Salgado de la Nuez, Agustín Javier 
Sánchez, Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 220990 Tratamiento digital. Imágenes
120601 Construcción de algoritmos
120602 Ecuaciones diferenciales
120326 Simulación
Palabras clave: Optical flow
Stereoscopic vision
Disparity map
Camera calibration
Anisotropic diffusion
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Publicación seriada: Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis 
Resumen: In this paper we present a variational technique for the reconstruction of 3D cylindrical surfaces. Roughly speaking by a cylindrical surface we mean a surface that can be parameterized using the projection on a cylinder in terms of two coordinates, representing the displacement and angle in a cylindrical coordinate system respectively. The starting point for our method is a set of different views of a cylindrical surface, as well as a precomputed disparity map estimation between pair of images. The proposed variational technique is based on an energy minimization where we balance on the one hand the regularity of the cylindrical function given by the distance of the surface points to cylinder axis, and on the other hand, the distance between the projection of the surface points on the images and the expected location following the precomputed disparity map estimation between pair of images. One interesting advantage of this approach is that we regularize the 3D surface by means of a bi-dimensio al minimization problem. We show some experimental results for large stereo sequences.
ISSN: 1577-5097
Fuente: Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis. -- Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2008. -- ISSN 1577-5097. -- vol.6, nº 2, pp. 54-66
Derechos: by-nc-nd
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