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Título: A neuroanatomical study of the feline brain using MRI and mulligan staining: functional and pathological considerations
Autores/as: Díaz Martínez, E.
Ayala Florenciano, M.D.
Arencibia Espinosa, Alberto 
Soler Laguía, M.
Kilroy, D.
Martínez Gomariz, F.
Ramírez Zarzosa, G.
Clasificación UNESCO: 320111 Radiología
310907 Patología
249001 Neurofisiología
Palabras clave: Feline
Mulligan staining
Nervous nuclei
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research 
Resumen: Despite multiple studies describing accurate diagnoses using advanced neuroimaging techniques, low and mid-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are still the most frequent scanners in veterinary clinics. To date, these studies in cats do not show a clear distinction of nerve centres in MRI data. Aims: The objective of this study is to determine the efficacy of Mulligan histological staining as a tool in facilitating the location and identification of the main structures of the feline brain in MRI. This study aims to facilitate the interpretation of MRI obtained with these types of scanners. Methods: A total of 10 feline brains were used. One specimen was used for MRI (T2 sequence using a 1.5T scanner). The other 9 brains were sectioned and stained with the three Mulligan staining techniques (Mulligan, Le Masurier and Robert). Results: The uptake of stain by the grey matter in these sections allowed the determination of the location and the limits of these nervous structures within the brain. The histological location of these structures was correlated with the MRI scans, leading to the successful identification of many small, indistinct nuclei. Conclusion: Mulligan staining is proposed as a tool that facilitates the location of nerve structures in comparison with data from the most frequently-used MRI scanners in veterinary clinics.
ISSN: 2252-0589
DOI: 10.22099/ijvr.2021.39886.5785
Fuente: Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research [ISSN 2252-0589]. V. 22(4), p. 310-317
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