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Título: Condensation-based contour tracking with Sobolev smoothness priors
Autores/as: Pérez Navas, Fernando
Falcón Martel, Antonio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 1203 Ciencia de los ordenadores
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Publicación seriada: Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations 
Resumen: This paper proposes a combination of contour deformation modelling in Sobolev spaces and the Condensation filter to track an object over a sequence of images. As Sobolev spaces are smoothness spaces this allows to control the smoothness of the contour deformation extending previous wavelet representations. We also introduce a probabilistic model for the wavelet deformation of the contour that induces a prior distribution for contour deformation. The deformation model is used to generate an stochastic dynamic model for contour evolution in time. Computational results are presented that show applications of this formulation.
ISSN: 1061-5369
Fuente: Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations [ISSN 1061-5369], v. 10 (1), p. 47-56, (2002)
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