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Title: An application of training transfer literature to the analysis of training for entrepreneurship: a conceptual model
Authors: Santana Domínguez, Iván Domingo 
Ballesteros Rodríguez, José Luis 
Domínguez Falcón, María Del Carmen 
UNESCO Clasification: 5801 Teoría y métodos educativos
5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Keywords: Conceptual Model
Entrepreneurial Process
Entrepreneurial Training
Training Transfer, et al
Issue Date: 2022
Journal: International Journal of Management Education 
Abstract: Training programmes for entrepreneurship are considered to be a fundamental tool for generating new and better entrepreneurs to energise the business network and regional development. Literature reflects numerous doubts about how to design this type of programme, their effectiveness in generating entrepreneurs, and even the evaluation of the results. Therefore, there is a latent need to generate robust theoretical approaches that allow developing these programmes in a systematic way further that in turn, will lead to increasing their effectiveness. In this research, a theoretical model is proposed that identifies the inputs and outputs of the training transfer applied to the particular context of training programmes for entrepreneurship. The choice of the training transfer literature, as the backbone of the proposed theoretical model, is justified by the need for a behavioural change to take place in trainees that focuses on creating new companies. The proposed model serves as the basis for future empirical studies to maximise the utility of training programmes for entrepreneurship. This paper will be of interest to business schools, universities and educational institutions that provide training programs for entrepreneurship.
ISSN: 1472-8117
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijme.2022.100649
Source: International Journal Of Management Education[ISSN 1472-8117],v. 20 (2), (Julio 2022)
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