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Título: Pituitary Abscess: Two Case Reports and Review of the Literature
Autores/as: Sánchez Medina, Yanire
Domínguez, J,
Artazkoz, J,
Boronat Cortés, Mauro 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3213 Cirugía
Palabras clave: Pituitary abscess
Transsphenoidal approach
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Surgical Case Reports 
Resumen: Pituitary abscesses are infrequent entities, often forgotten and hence rarely included in the differential diagnosis of sellar lesions. However, given that they share the clinical manifestations of other more common pathologies in this region, the treatment of pituitary abscesses is usually performed correctly without demonstrating a relevant delay in therapeutic decisions when surgical options are considered as the alternative of choice. Two patients with intrasellar expansive processes and endocrinological alterations who were diagnosed intraoperatively as having pituitary abscesses are presented. In both cases, transsphenoidal surgery was performed; adjuvant antibiotic treatment was established for just one of them. Both patients are currently without symptoms due to mass-effect; one of the patients continues exhibiting residual endocrinological alteration and no signs of relapse in imaging studies.
ISSN: 2613-5965
DOI: 10.31487/j.SCR.2021.02.03
Fuente: Surgical case Reports [ISSN 2613-5965], v.4 (2), (Febrero 2021)
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