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Título: El eterno debate sobre la desconexión digital en las relaciones laborales
Autores/as: Montesdeoca Suárez, Arturo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 330414 Ordenadores digitales
6306 Sociología del trabajo
Palabras clave: Desconexión digital
Relaciones laborales
Digital disconnection
Negotiation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: 
Resumen: The present work aims to analyze in the current context of digitization of labor relations the incidence of new technologies on the fundamental rights of workers. Specifically, it is intended to highlight what has been the progression of the right to digital disconnection. In this sense, what was its legislative organization and what are the main difficulties that this right entails will be analyzed. Likewise, the role of collective bargaining and the digital disconnection policy will be considered in a context marked by teleworking. Finally, a series of practical measures on digital disconnection will be proposed.
ISSN: 2421-4302
Fuente: [ISSN 2421-4302], Numero Speciale Marzo 2022, p. 77-106
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