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Título: Introduction (Sea Water Desalination in Microgrids)
Autores/as: Rosales-Asensio, Enrique 
García-Moya, Francisco José
Borge-Diez, David
Colmenar-Santos, Antonio
Clasificación UNESCO: 330806 Regeneración del agua
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Editor/a: Springer 
Publicación seriada: Green Energy and Technology 
Resumen: Climate change conditions is especially dramatical in islanded environments, where these restrictions to water resources have conducted to an overexploitation of aquifers and wells that desalination plants have become essential. The synergies between Water, Energy, Food sectors are obvious—although often planned independently—is one of the identified catalysts for achieving the United Nation’s sustainable development goals. Isolated and water-scarce regions suffer high water and energy costs that itself results in high environmental costs. The book offers a sustainable approach to tackle with water scarcity for regions that need desalted water in isolated regions. Specially in those regions, sustainability must be a key feature that legal and market issues highlight as a parameter to be analyzed in order to improve the deployment of hybrid schemes.
ISBN: 978-3-030-96677-5
ISSN: 1865-3529
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-96678-2_1
Fuente: Sea Water Desalination in Microgrids. Green Energy and Technology [ISSN 1865-3529], Chapter 1, p. 1-10, (Enero 2022)
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