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Title: Oxygen Saturation Measurement using Hyperspectral Imaging targeting Real-Time Monitoring
Authors: Martínez Vega, Beatriz 
León, Raquel 
Fabelo, Himar 
Ortega, Samuel 
Callicó, Gustavo M. 
Suárez Vega, David
Clavo, Bernardino 
UNESCO Clasification: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Keywords: Hyperspectral Imaging
Infrared Imaging
Oxygen Saturation
Oxygenation Maps
Thermal Imaging, et al
Issue Date: 2021
Conference: 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2021 
Abstract: Oxygen saturation (StO2) measurement allows to detect different clinical conditions related with the low oxygenation of tissues or is used to monitor the quality and safety of organ transplantation. This study is focused on the visualization and measurement of StO2 using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) through non-contact skin captures, targeting a potential real-time monitoring application. A customized acquisition system composed by a hyperspectral camera (covering the 470-900 nm spectral range) and a thermal camera was developed to capture images of hands in a non-contact fashion. An experimental procedure was established to measure the evolution of StO2 in healthy hands where a compression of the index finger or brachial artery were performed. StO2 measurements were performed in normal, compression, and reperfusion states. Two mathematical models with different sets of wavelengths were evaluated. The results show the proposed models, which employed two wavelengths (660 and 880 nm), obtain reliable StO2 values, providing a potential non-contact imaging tool for StO2 measurement.
ISBN: 9781665427036
DOI: 10.1109/DSD53832.2021.00078
Source: Proceedings - 2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2021, p. 480-487, (Enero 2021)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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