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Title: Asynchronous smart grid simulations
Authors: Évora Gómez, José 
Hernández Cabrera, José Juan 
Hernández Tejera, Francisco Mario 
Kremers, Enrique
UNESCO Clasification: 330609 Transmisión y distribución
332201 Distribución de la energía
3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctricas
Keywords: Agent based model
Power grid system
Asynchronous simulation
Simulation framework
Complex system, et al
Issue Date: 2012
Conference: 3rd Workshop on Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation (CoSMoS 2012) 
Abstract: A shift from traditional power grids to future smart grids requires a different approach to the analysis of power grid systems. In the smart grid conception, the system is analysed in a dis-aggregated manner through simulations. Many objects and relationships must be considered for a complex system to be eventually modelled and simulated. Usually, the simulation is performed by synchronising calculations associated with objects. The main problem of this approach is that every calculation has to be executed at the same speed in spite of objects not requiring an update with the same frequency. So, lots of unnecessary calculations are done, making performance worse. With the objective of improving the simulation performance, in this paper a new approach for simulating power grids based on asynchronous timing is presented. This approach is orientated towards allowing calculations to be executed at their own pace.
ISBN: 9781905986378
Source: CoSMoS 2012 Workshop
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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