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Título: Measuring green marketing: scale development and validation
Autores/as: Vilkaite-Vaitone, Neringa
Skackauskiene, Ilona
Díaz Meneses, Gonzalo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531105 Marketing (comercialización)
Palabras clave: Clean Technology
External Marketing
Green Marketing Scale
Internal Marketing
Operations, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Energies (Basel) 
Resumen: Academics and practitioners are paying increasing attention to green marketing as lesser damage to the environment and future generations become a priority in a current complex business environment. Despite the expanding studies in this field, there is still a lack of psychometrically sound scales to measure green marketing practices. To fill this gap, the research aimed to develop and evaluate a multifaceted green marketing scale. First, we draw on theoretical evidence to define and conceptualize the construct of green marketing. Then, we use a multistudy scale development process to create and validate the Green Marketing Scale (GMaS). Two groups of participants were used for the validation of the scale. Study 1 (n = 102), with the help of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), refined and reduced the items, proposed the factor structure. Study 2 (n = 155) established the validity of the construct and the reliability of the scale. The authors have tested the six-factor model against the four-factor models using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with a sample of marketing managers. The results of the CFA have indicated that the revised version of the four-factor model appears to be the most tenable solution, as it shows the best fit for the data. The resulting 14-item GMaS captures a variety of green marketing manifestations across organizational settings and involves the dimensions of Strategy, Internal Marketing, Product, and Marketing Communication. In general, the research confirms the validity and reliability of the GMaS scale and can be used to measure green marketing in organizational settings in the energy industry.
DOI: 10.3390/en15030718
Fuente: Energies[EISSN 1996-1073],v. 15 (3), (Febrero 2022)
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