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Title: Exploring extreme magnetization phenomena in directly driven imploding cylindrical targets
Authors: Walsh, Christopher
Florido Hernández, Ricardo Jesús 
Bailly-Grandvaux, Mathieu
Suzuki-Vidal, F.
Chittenden, J. P.
Crilly, A. J.
Gigosos, M. A.
Mancini, R. C.
Pérez-Callejo, Gabriel
Vlachos, Christos
McGuffey, C.
Beg, Farhat
Santos, João Jorge
UNESCO Clasification: 22 Física
220410 Física de plasmas
Keywords: Magnetized HEDP
Magnetized plasmas
Magneto-inertial fusion
Magnetohydrodynamics, et al
Issue Date: 2022
Project: Cinética atómica colisional-radiativa y dinámica molecular para la caracterización espectroscópica de plasmas de laboratorio de alta densidad de energía 
Caracterización espectroscópica de plasmas de laboratorio de alta densidad de energía mediante cinética atómica colisional-radiativa y dinámica molecular 
Journal: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 
Abstract: This paper uses extended-magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations to explore an extreme magnetized plasma regime realizable by cylindrical implosions on the OMEGA laser facility. This regime is characterized by highly compressed magnetic fields (greater than 10 kT across the fuel), which contain a significant proportion of the implosion energy and induce large electrical currents in the plasma. Parameters governing the different magnetization processes such as Ohmic dissipation and suppression of instabilities by magnetic tension are presented, allowing for optimization of experiments to study specific phenomena. For instance, a dopant added to the target gas-fill can enhance magnetic flux compression while enabling spectroscopic diagnosis of the imploding core. In particular, the use of Ar K-shell spectroscopy is investigated by performing detailed non-LTE atomic kinetics and radiative transfer calculations on the MHD data. Direct measurement of the core electron density and temperature would be possible, allowing for both the impact of magnetization on the final temperature and thermal pressure to be obtained. By assuming the magnetic field is frozen into the plasma motion, which is shown to be a good approximation for highly magnetized implosions, spectroscopic diagnosis could be used to estimate which magnetization processes are ruling the implosion dynamics; for example, a relation is given for inferring whether thermally driven or current-driven transport is dominating.
ISSN: 0741-3335
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/ac3f25
Source: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion [ISSN 0741-3335], v. 64 (2), (Febrero 2022)
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