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Título: A method scope extension for the simultaneous analysis of pops, current-use and banned pesticides, rodenticides, and pharmaceuticals in liver. Application to food safety and biomonitoring
Autores/as: Rial-Berriel, Cristian 
Acosta Dacal, Andrea C. 
Zumbado, Manuel 
Henríquez-Hernández, Luis Alberto 
Rodríguez-Hernández, Ángel 
Macías-Montes, Ana
Boada, Luis D. 
Travieso-Aja, María del Mar
Martín Cruz, Beatriz 
Luzardo, Octavio P. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3214 Toxicología
Palabras clave: Agrochemicals
Environmental Pollution
Persistent Organic Pollutants, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Toxics 
Resumen: The screening of hundreds of substances belonging to multiple chemical classes in liver is required in areas such as food safety or biomonitoring. We adapted a previous QuEChERS-based method in blood to the liver matrix and applied to these fields of study. The validation of the method allowed the inclusion of 351 contaminants, 80% with a LOQ < 2 ng/g. In the analysis of 42 consumer liver samples, we detected trace levels of 29 different contaminants. The most frequent and concentrated was 4,4’-DDE. POPs accounted for 66% of the compounds detected. In no case was the MRL reached for any of the contaminants detected. We also applied the method to 151 livers of wild birds to perform a biomonitoring pilot study in the Canary Islands. We detected 52 contaminants in 15 bird species. These were also mostly POPs, although high frequencies and concentrations of anticoagulant rodenticides (AR) and some other agricultural pesticides also stand out. POPs and AR contamination levels were significantly higher in terrestrial birds, raptors and particularly in nocturnal birds. Pesticide contamination levels were also higher in terrestrial birds, as well as in non-raptors and diurnal birds. The validated method is simple, robust, and sensitive and performs well in a variety of practical scenarios, where it can be carried out relatively quickly and inexpensively.
ISSN: 2305-6304
DOI: 10.3390/toxics9100238
Fuente: Toxics [EISSN 2305-6304], v. 9 (10), 238, (Octubre 2021)
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