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Título: Sustainable design in 3D printing: State of the art
Autores/as: Suárez García, Luis Adargoma 
Espinosa, María del Mar
Domínguez, Manuel
Clasificación UNESCO: 330407 Periféricos de ordenadores
330802 Residuos industriales
Palabras clave: 3d printing
Additive manufacturing
Life cycle analysis
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Dyna (Bilbao) 
Resumen: This paper assesses existing tools for the use of sustainability concepts in the industrial design field, specially focusing on the needs of developing specific tools for the sustainable design in Additive Manufacturing. A first reflexion about eco-design is shown, following with a deep study of eco-design methodologies and ending with a comparative assessment of different existing tools and their possibilities of use in the design of parts for 3D printing. The literature shows the great interest in this issue, as there are different studies comparing the environmental impact of some parts obtained by additive manufacturing compared to those produced by conventional technologies, although it has detected a lack in references establishing general considerations for designing more sustainable products by additive manufacturing, as part of the design process itself.
ISSN: 0012-7361
DOI: 10.6036/9447
Fuente: Dyna (Spain) [ISSN 0012-7361], v. 95(1), p. 425-429
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