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Título: Gestión de empresas y destinos de turismo gastronómico: identificación del segmento de mercado potencial en Canarias.
Otros títulos: Gastronomic tourism management: identifying the potential market in the Canaries
Autores/as: Dorta Afonso, Daniel 
Padrón Ávila, Hugo
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Palabras clave: Turismo gastronómico
Destinos turísticos
Food tourism
Tourist segmentation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Pasos: revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural 
Resumen: The current situation of tourism has derived towards tourists demanding authentic and unique tourism experiences. However, providing tourists with such experiences is not a simple task for tourism firms and destinations. The literature suggests that gastronomy, as part of the culture of the communities tourists visit, has the potential to offer the uniqueness and authenticity demanded. We therefore build on food tourism literature to identify its potential as a motivational factor as well as an enhancer of tourists' satisfaction. The aim of this study is to analyzs the characteristics of those visitors most likely to be interested in the consumption of typical local gastronomical products when visiting the Canary Islands. Consequently, in the present study we identify the profile of tourists for whom gastronomy plays an essential motivational role when travelling. To do so, we have used the answers given by tourists on the Tourism Expenditure Survey and conducted regression analysis. The results suggest that there are differences in the socio-demographic profile of gastronomic tourists to Canary Islands, their motivations and also the characteristics of their trips. The conclusions of the study indicate that the segment of tourists motivated by gastronomy is considerable in the Canary Islands and it is necessary to improve the satisfaction of these tourists since they are more likely to spend more in the destination than the average visitor.
ISSN: 1695-7121
DOI: 10.25145/j.pasos.2021.19.047
Fuente: Pasos: revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural [ISSN 1695-7121], v. 19(4), p. 725-736
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