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Título: Food hypersensitivity and feline hyperaesthesia syndrome (FHS): A case report
Autores/as: Ruiz Suárez, Norberto
Bhatti, SFM
Hermans, M
da Silva, CB
Hesta, M
Clasificación UNESCO: 310907 Patología
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Veterinární Medicína 
Resumen: A 2-year-11-month-old female spayed cat was at the Small Animal Teaching Hospital of Ghent Univer-sity presenting with hyperactivity, scratching and licking all over her body and an abnormal urination behaviour. Nothing remarkable was found on the dermatology and neurological examination. Based on the owner’s history and video material, the presence of feline hyperaesthesia syndrome (FHS) was hypothesised. A symptomatic treat-ment with gabapentin was established for a month without any significant improvement. An elimination diet with hydrolysed protein sources was started and, as a result, the dose of gabapentin was reduced after three days and completely stopped after one week. With the exception of two non-intentional exposures to non-hypoallergenic diets and the challenge with new protein sources by the owner, the cat has been free of symptoms, with the exception of a slight reaction in the lumbar area (significantly reduced in comparison before starting the diet), and without the use of medication. In conclusion, an elimination diet should be considered as part of the diagnostic plan for FHS and should not be delegated to the last step if the patient’s condition allows it.
ISSN: 0375-8427
Fuente: Veterinárni Medicína [ISSN 0375-8427], v. 66, n. 8
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