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Título: Analysis and performance assessment of a real-time correction pseudo-correlation microwave radiometer for medical applications
Autores/as: Villa, Enrique
Aja, Beatriz
de la Fuente, Luisa
Artal, Eduardo
Arteaga-Marrero, Natalia
González-Pérez, Sara
Ruiz Alzola, Juan 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3314 Tecnología médica
Palabras clave: Biomedical Applications
Microwave Radiometry
Pseudo-Correlation Radiometer
Receiver Configuration
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Electronics (Switzerland) 
Resumen: A new configuration of a pseudo-correlation type radiometer is proposed for a microwave biomedical application, such as diabetic foot neuropathy. The new approach as well as its simulated performance are thoroughly assessed using commercial off-the-shelf components and custom designed subsystems. We configured a pseudo-correlation receiver, centred at 3.5 GHz, to validate the proposal, comparing its simulated response with a measured alternative based on a 90◦ hybrid coupler pseudo-correlation prototype. We custom designed a balanced Wilkinson power divider and a 180◦ hybrid coupler to fulfil the receiver’s requirements. The proposed configuration demonstrated an improved noise temperature response. The main advantage is to enable the recalibration of the receiver through simultaneous measurable output signals, proportional to each input signal, as well as the correlated response between them.
ISSN: 2079-9292
DOI: 10.3390/electronics10121427
Fuente: Electronics (Switzerland) [EISSN 2079-9292], v. 10 (12), 1427, (Junio 2021)
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