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Título: Management of phenylketonuria in Europe: Survey results from 19 countries
Autores/as: Blau, Nenad
Bélanger-Quintana, Amaya
Demirkol, Mübeccel
Feillet, François
Giovannini, Marcello
MacDonald, Anita
Trefz, Friedrich K.
Van Spronsen, Francjan
Karall, D.
Scholl-Bürgi, S.
Tahirovic, H.
Toromanovic, A.
Baric, I.
Sarnavka, V.
Prochazkova, D.
Pazdirkova, R.
Güttler, F.
Niinikoski, H.
Bonnemains, C.
Marioli, S.
Barat, P.
De Parscau, L.
Meyer, M.
Bedu, A.
Fouilhoux, A.
Chabrol, B.
Wagner, K.
Billette De Villemeur, T.
De Lonlay-Debeney, P.
Ogier De Baulny, H.
Odent, S.
Eyer, D.
Labarthe, F.
Hennermann, J. B.
Mönch, E.
Stolz, S.
Spiekerkötter, U.
Knerr, I.
Schwab, K. O.
Kreuder, J.
Ullrich, K.
Das, A. M.
Burgard, P.
Kon-Stantopoulou, V.
Lindner, M.
Müller, E.
Haase, C.
Beblo, S.
Weigel, J.
Plötzch, S.
Muntau, A.
Weglage, J.
Marquardt, J.
Scheible, D.
Clemens, P.
Schulpis, K. H.
Papadia, F.
Salardi, S.
Meli, C.
Donati, M. A.
Procopio, E.
Cerone, R.
Riva, E.
Paci, S.
Carbone, M. T.
Burlina, A.
Lapichino, L.
Cotugno, G.
Leuzzi, V.
Rubio-Gozalbo, E.
De Vries, M.
De Klerk, J. B.C.
Iversen, K.
Wiig, I.
Jørgensen, J.
Milanowski, A.
Nowacka, M.
Djordjevic, M.
Laketa, C.
Gutiérrez-Junquera, C.
Márquez-Armenteros, A.
Vilaseca Busca, M. A.
Campistol Plana, J.
Peña Quintana, Luis 
Gil-Ortega, D.
Gomez, A. R.
Valverde, F. S.
Gonzalez-Lamuno, D.
Couce-Pico, M. L.
Dalmau Serra, J.
Baldellou-Vazquez, A.
Garcia-Jimenez, M. C.
Papadopoulou, D.
Almm, J.
Halldin Stenlid, M.
Nuoffer, J. M.
Rohrbach, M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320102 Genética clínica
241108 Metabolismo humano
Palabras clave: BH4
Phenylalanine, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Publicación seriada: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 
Resumen: To gain better insight in the most current diagnosis and treatment practices for phenylketonuria (PKU) from a broad group of experts, a European PKU survey was performed. The questionnaire, consisting of 33 questions, was sent to 243 PKU professionals in 165 PKU centers in 23 European countries. The responses were compiled and descriptive analyses were performed. One hundred and one questionnaires were returned by 93/165 centers (56%) from 19/23 European countries (83%). The majority of respondents (77%) managed patients of all age groups and more than 90% of PKU teams included physicians or dieticians/nutritionists. The greatest variability existed especially in the definition of PKU phenotypes, therapeutic blood phenylalanine (Phe) target concentrations, and follow-up practices for PKU patients. The tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4; sapropterin) loading test was performed by 54% of respondents, of which 61% applied a single dose test (20 mg/kg over 24 h). BH4 was reported as a treatment option by 34%. This survey documents differences in diagnostic and treatment practices for PKU patients in European centers. In particular, recommendations for the treatment decision varied greatly between different European countries. There is an urgent need to pool long-term data in PKU registries in order to generate an evidence-based international guideline.
ISSN: 1096-7192
DOI: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2009.09.005
Fuente: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism [ISSN 1096-7192], v. 99(2), p. 109-115, (Febrero 2010)
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