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Título: Cutting down on the grog: the crystallisation of Neolithic ceramic traditions at Cova d’En Pardo (Alicante, Spain) and cultural change in the western Mediterranean basin (mid-6th and 5th millennia cal. BC)
Autores/as: Del Pino Curbelo, Miguel 
Day, Peter M.
Soler Díaz, Jorge A.
García Atiénzar, Gabriel
Roca de Togores Muñoz, Consuelo
Clasificación UNESCO: 550405 Prehistoria
Palabras clave: Neolithic
Optical petrography, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Proyectos: NEOMEDPOT (grant number 659466)
Espacios sociales y espacios de frontera durante el calcolítico y la Edad del Bronce en el Levante de la península Ibérica (HAR2016-76586-P)
Publicación seriada: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 
Resumen: This paper presents the characterisation of 48 ceramic samples from Cova d’En Pardo (Alicante, Spain). Provenance and technology analysis are carried out on materials dated back to different Early and Middle Neolithic cultural phases, including pioneer and Epicardial levels, poorly known in the area. The techniques employed are optical petrography and scanning electron microscope. Two main fabrics were identified, characterised by the heavy presence of temper (grog and calcite), along with five minor petrographic classes, including two imports, one of them probably from southern Iberia. The comparison among occupational phases within the site reveals changes along the stratigraphic series, especially during the transition from the 6th to 5th millennia cal. BC, which is reflected in temper choice. Evidence from the earliest occupation of the site also agrees with the picture of discontinuity previously observed on nearby contexts between pioneer and traditional Cardial ceramic technology, which might be connected to neolithization routes. Firing technology is characterised by the occurrence of microstructure gradients and signs of fast heating rates.
ISSN: 1866-9557
DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01259-z
Fuente: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [ISSN 1866-9557], v. 13 (1),p. 2-17
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