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Title: Statistical issues in Bayesian cost–effectiveness analysis
Authors: Moreno, Elías
Vázquez Polo, Francisco José 
Negrín Hernández, Miguel Ángel 
Martel Escobar, María Carmen 
UNESCO Clasification: 530204 Estadística económica
5302 Econometría
Keywords: Cost and effectiveness of a treatment
Optimal treatment
Utility function
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: ETS Edizioni
Abstract: Cost–effectiveness analysis of medical treatments searchfor choosing an “optimal”treatment among a set of k≥2 alternative treatments T1,...,Tk for a given disease .It isimposed that the cost and the effectiveness of the treatments are taken into accountin the selection procedure. We focus the problem as a Bayesian statistical decision problem, present their elements and illustrate the procedure. Further, we discuss so me difficulties aris-ingincost– effectiveness analysis when heterogeneity is present in the cost an deffectiveness data. Heterogenous data implies in cost– effectiveness analysis theneed of considering special statistical techniques such as Bayesian meta–analysis and Bayesian probabilistic clustering.
ISBN: 978-884675409-7
Source: BIOSTAT at 25 Vol. 1 / M. Di Bacco & F. Scalfari, eds., ISBN: 978-884675409-7, p. 195 - 203.
Appears in Collections:Capítulo de libro
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