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Título: Empowering and Directive Leadership Styles
Autores/as: Dorta Afonso, Daniel 
Cantero García, María
Clasificación UNESCO: 531104 Organización de recursos humanos
Palabras clave: Directive leadership
Empowering leadership
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Journal of business cases and applications 
Resumen: The present case study has been designed for students of organizational behavior courses that include a lesson of team leadership. To set the foundations of the topic and based on team leadership literature the definitions of the two most important leadership styles (i.e., directive and empowering) have been provdied. Besides, the authours summarize previous evidence on differential effects of both team leadership styles on both team processes and team performance. Authours propose some questions for discussion in order for students think which kind of leadership style is better for teams. Additionally, this activity includes an instrument so that students can assess their own leadership characteristics.
ISSN: 2327-7068
Fuente: Journal of business cases and applications [eISSN 2156-9673], v. 22
Caso sobre Estilos de Liderazgo. Publicación de carácter pedagógico
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