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Título: Comparative analysis on nutritional composition of commercial pet rabbit food.
Autores/as: Rahím Vega, Jesús Abdel
Director/a : Espinosa García San Román, Jaime 
Rodríguez Ventura, Myriam 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310406 Nutrición
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Resumen: There is a lot of research on feed for production rabbits but there are not enough recommendations and studies on the needs, the feeding, and the pet rabbit feeds. With the multitude of choice of rabbit dry foods available, it is useful to know the difference between them and the current recommendations. The present work divides in two different parts. The first part consit in a bibliography revision about maintenance nutritional requeriments of adult pet rabbit, including crude fibre, carbohydrates, crude protein, crude fat, macrominerals and trace minerals. The second part consist in the analysis of nineteen pelleted pet rabbit feeds, available in Spain; it is discuss about the ingredients, the nutritional analysis and if the feeds meet or not the nutritional requeriments.
Departamento: Departamento de Patología Animal, Producción Animal, Bromatología y Tecnología de Los Alimentos
Facultad: Facultad de Veterinaria
Titulación: Grado en Veterinaria
Colección:Trabajo final de grado

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actualizado el 07-dic-2024

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