Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel

Diaz, Moises ; Henriquez, P. ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Pirlo, Giuseppe; Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino , et al
Issued date: 2017
Source: Expert Systems with Applications[ISSN 0957-4174],v. 79, p. 65-75
SJR: 1,271
- Q1
JCR: 3,768
- Q1
Henríquez, P. ; Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Travieso González, Carlos Manuel 
Issued date: 2016
Source: International Journal of COMADEM[ISSN 1363-7681],v. 19, p. 3-10
SJR: 0,128
- Q3
Diaz, Moises ; Henriquez, P. ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino ; Pirlo, giuseppe, et al
Issued date: 2016
Source: Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology [ISSN 1071-6572], [EISSN 2153-0742], v. 2015-January, p. 43-47
Actas de congresos
Henríquez-Hernández, L.A. ; Valenciano, A.; Foro-Arnalot, P.; Álvarez-Cubero, M.J.; Cozar, J.M., et al
Issued date: 2016
Source: Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases [ISSN 1365-7852], v. 19 (1), p. 28-34
SJR: 1,766
- Q1
JCR: 3,723
- Q1
Diaz, Moises ; Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Pirlo, G.; Giannico, G.; Henríquez, P. , et al
Issued date: 2016
Source: Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology[ISSN 1071-6572],v. 2015-January (7389707), p. 341-345
Actas de congresos
Alonso, Jesús B. ; Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Henríquez, P. ; López-de-Ipina, Karmele; Cabrera, Josue, et al
Issued date: 2015
Source: Neurocomputing[ISSN 0925-2312],v. 150, p. 367-376
SJR: 1,024
- Q1
JCR: 2,392
- Q1
Henríquez Hernández, Luis Alberto ; Valenciano, A.; FORO-ARNALOT, P.; ÁLVAREZ-CUBERO, M; COZAR, J., et al
Issued date: 2015
Source: Journal of Genetics[ISSN 0022-1333],v. 94, p. 335-341
SJR: 0,41
- Q4
JCR: 1,108
- Q4
Henríquez, P. ; Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Travieso González, Carlos Manuel ; Orozco-Arroyave, Juan R.
Issued date: 2014
Source: Neurocomputing[ISSN 0925-2312],v. 132, p. 126-135
SJR: 0,942
- Q1
JCR: 2,083
- Q2
Henriquez, P. ; Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Travieso González, Carlos Manuel 
Issued date: 2014
Source: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems[ISSN 1083-4427],v. 44(5), 6670088, p. 642-652
Orozco, Juan R.; Vargas, Jesus F.; Alonso, Jesus B. ; Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Travieso, Carlos M. , et al
Issued date: 2012
Source: 2012 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications, ISSPA 2012 (6310440), p. 1030-1033
Actas de congresos
Henríquez, P. ; Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Travieso González, Carlos Manuel 
Issued date: 2012
Source: Journal of Physics: Conference Series[ISSN 1742-6588],v. 364 (012135)
SJR: 0,28
- Q4
Actas de congresos
Henriquez, P. ; Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Travieso González, Carlos Manuel ; Orozco-Arroyave, Juan R.
Issued date: 2011
Source: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)[ISSN 0302-9743],v. 7015 LNAI, p. 127-136
SJR: 0,325
- Q3
Actas de congresos