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Título: W01.15. Interleukin inflammatory phenotypes in premature coronary atherosclerosis
Autores/as: Culebras, C.
Irurita, Maria M.
Irurita, J.
Fuentes, J.
López, L.
Deniz, C.
Martínez Saavedra, M.
Chirino Godoy, Ricardo 
Nieto, V.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
Palabras clave: Atherosclerosis
Coronary arteriosclerosis
Fecha de publicación: 2004
Publicación seriada: Atherosclerosis Supplements 
Conferencia: 74th Congress of the European-Atherosclerosis-Society 
Resumen: Patients with prematme coronary syndromes impose an enormous challenge to the long-term management of atherosclerosis. Though the inflammatory markers available are sensible, but lack specificity and are not permanent. We analysed the polymorphisms of two pleiotropic inflammatory media- tors, interleukin IL-8 (-251 A/T), and IL-6 (-174 G/C) promoters. PCR-SSP techniques rendered hyper, medium and hypoproductive phenotypes. We studied 393 patients (P), after a premature coronary syndrome were com- pared with 276 aged, healthy controls (C); both had similar AA-AT/TT and GG-GC/CC distributions. Results: Patients were 44 years old and controls 69; (p<0.000). With the exception of smoking (P81% vs. c52%; p<0.000), dyslipidemia (P63% vs. c37%; p<0.05), and family history of premature CHD (P37%vs. c14%; p<0.000) major risk factors were more prevalent among conU'ols. Patient study showed males were 4 years younger (F47 vs. M43; p<0.048). Gen- der diffelences included higher prevalence of diabetics (M74%vs. F25%; p<0.028), and smokers (M86%vs. F14%; p<0.000) among males. Multi- vessel disease related to dyslipidemia (86%; p<0.007), metabolic syndrome (35%; p<0.041) and hyperproductive IL-8 phenotype (75%; p<0.033) in males. Reculxence related to smoking (p<0.045), diabetes (p<0.05) and PCI (p<0.041). Hyperproductive IL-6 col~elated with metabolic syndrome (p<0.001) and IL-8 with multivessel disease (p<0.011). Hyperproductive IL-8 phenotype (p<0.010) explained 73.4% of recua~ence in a logistic regression model built with risk factors, gender, clinical features and both phenotypes. Conclusions: Despite an unusual model with a considerable age gap between patients and controls, patients had a higher prevalence of some major risk factors. Hyperproductive interleukin-8 phenotype is a suitable and permanent marker of rectuxence that may conU'ibute to characterise individual variability.
ISSN: 1567-5688
DOI: 10.1016/S1567-5688(04)90015-9
Fuente: Atherosclerosis Supplements [ISSN 1567-5688], v. 5 (1) sup. S, p. 4, 2004
Colección:Actas de congresos
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