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Título: Image registration based on automatic detection of anatomical landmarks for bone age assessment
Autores/as: Muñoz-Moreno, Emma
Cárdenes, Rubén
de Luis-García, Rodrigo
Martín-Fernández, Miguel Ángel
Alberola-López, Carlos
Clasificación UNESCO: 120410 Geometría proyectiva
220990 Tratamiento digital. Imágenes
321304 Cirugía de huesos
Palabras clave: Articulated Registration
Bone Age Assessment
Hand Segmentation
Landmark Detection
Landmark-Based Registration, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Publicación seriada: WSEAS Transactions on Computers 
Resumen: Bone age assessment is a medical procedure to diagnose bone diseases, specifically, growth pathologies. As of today, it is carried out by visual inspection which, needless to say, is a tedious and time consuming action. Automated methods to carry out such a task are therefore desirable. In this paper we take a step in this direction by proposing the automatic detection of a set of anatomical landmarks in positions of interest in radiographs. The algorithm locates the landmarks by performing a rough segmentation to find the finger axes and then intensity profiles along the axes are analyzed to locate joints between finger bones. Such landmarks are then used to carry out a registration procedure to eventually come up with a bone age estimation. Two landmark-based registration methods are compared, the TPS algorithm and the articulated registration algorithm. Registered images are compared using automatic and manual -positioned by an expert- landmarks with both registration algorithms.
ISSN: 1109-2750
Fuente: WSEAS Transactions on Computers [ISSN 1109-2750], v. 4 (11), p. 1596-1603, (Noviembre 2005)
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