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Título: Ingestion and sublethal effects of physically and chemically dispersed crude oil onmarine planktonic copepods.
Autores/as: Almeda, Rodrigo 
Baca, S
Hyatt, C
Buskey, E.
Palabras clave: Crude oil
Dispersant Corexit 9500A
Planktonic copepods
Sublethal toxic effects
DWH crude oil spill, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Publicación seriada: Ecotoxicology 
Resumen: Planktonic copepods play a key function in marine ecosystems, however, little is known about the effects of dispersants and chemically dispersed crude oil on these important planktonic organisms. We examined the potential for the copepods Acartia tonsa, Temora turbinata and Parvocalanus crassirostris to ingest crude oil droplets and determined the acute toxicity of the dispersant Corexit 9500A, and physically and chemically dispersed crude oil to these copepods. We detected ingestion of crude oil droplets by adults and nauplii of the three copepod species. Exposure to crude oil alone (1 lL L-1 , 48 h) caused a reduction of egg production rates (EPRs) by 26–39 %, fecal pellet production rates (PPRs) by 11–27 %, and egg hatching (EH) by 1–38 % compared to the controls, depending on the species. Dispersant alone (0.05 lL L-1 , 48 h) produced a reduction in EPR, PPR and EH by 20–35, 12–23 and 2–11 %, respectively. Dispersanttreated crude oil was the most toxic treatment, *1.6 times more toxic than crude oil alone, causing a reduction in EPR, PPR and EH by 45–54, 28–41 and 11–31 %, respectively. Our results indicate that low concentrations of dispersant Corexit 9500A and chemically dispersed crude oil are toxic to marine zooplankton, and that the ingestion of crude oil droplets by copepods may be an important route by which crude oil pollution can enter marine food webs.
ISSN: 0963-9292
DOI: 10.1007/s10646-014-1242-6
Fuente: Ecotoxicology [ISSN 0963-9292], v. 23, p. 988–1003
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